kick/ass - this means there making a game names 'kick'
and with a password 'ass', usually the gamer makes up his
name and password and says it like name/pass.
chobo - or a newb, n00b, all mean beginner.. in other words
you suck.
hasu - an average skill player.
gosu - a pro-gamer.
micro - the maneuvering skill of your units. .
macro - how good you build and set up your base.
owning - mass expanding, owning the map.
expo - mineral expansion base.
bs - back stab.
gl - good luck.
hf - have fun.
dd - don't die.
ka - kick ass.
brb - be right back.
g2g - got to go.
bbl - be back later.
brt - be right there.
sn - same name (usually game).
rm - remake game.
rj - rejoin (game/channel).
mg - make game.
stfu - shut the fuck up.
obs - observe game.
tup - Terran up (when bsing a game, lift the command center)
cc - command center.
ling - Zergling.
lisk - Hidralisk. (also can be called hidra)
lot, zs - Zelot.
goon - Dragoon.
muta - Mutalisk.
4pool, 6pool, #pool - Zergling rush.
rush - attack.
bo - building order.
lordy - Overlord.
guard - Guardians.
sair - Corsairs.
bc - Battle Cruiser.
suply - amount of units available. (or supply depots)
d - defense.
net - neutral expoing.
clif - usually tank push on cliff.
rape - usually some fast air attack or drop.
chan - channel.
rine - Terran Marine.
bat - Terran Firebat.
mnm - Marines and Medics.
neck - entrance.
leg - near by expo of your base.
goli - Goliath.
turtle - playing defense, usually putting a lot of turrets/cannons/sunken/spores
temp - Templar.
dt - Dark Templar.
mass - max units attacking.
rdy - reddy.
omg - oh my god.
bg - be good.
choke - thin entrance (kinda like neck but more often used)
OL - OverLord
rush - Fast attack (not just ´attack´ as u
go red, go [colour] - ´attack red player now´
mim - meet in middle
aka - another name on bnet (also known as)
ac - ally chat